Bird Dog Labs, LLC
References & Puppy Updates!
Chase (Deja X Yogi MH, 2020)
Would highly recommend Bird Dog Labs to anyone in the market for a pup. Gina is a top notch breeder and does everything she can to ensure that her dogs have healthy litters and are well socialized. You will be hard pressed to find a different breeder that cares about the labrador breed more and it shows with her breeding program. My boy Chase (Yogi×Deja) is very intelligent and has plenty of drive to retrieve but also has that off switch in the house that makes him a great family member. I will definitely be talking to Gina in a few years when I will be looking to add another pup to the family.
Scott Furchner
This is a Review that was shared on our Bird Dog Labs LLC Facebook page on April 3, 2021. “Gina is very passionate about her breeding program to produce the healthiest puppies for their future families.“
Carol Bothe April 3, 2021
Sandy & Skye (Brook JH X FC Louie QA2, 2019)
Well, it has been 3 weeks since we brought our girls, Sandy & Skye, formally known as Miss Pink & Miss Yellow, home and we could not love them more. Not even 12 weeks old and they are housebroken, know their names, sit & stay. They are super smart and love, love, love to please. And they show such respect for our gentle 14.5 yr old Bailey. They bring out Bailey’s inner puppy. Their happy and loving personalities are definitely a perfect fit.
The girls are coming up on 6 months and I just gotta say…BEST PUPS EVER! Sandy & Skye are the smartest, happiest girls. They love everybody and everything! They are smart as can be. I can’t say enough about Gina and her dogs.
SANDY & SKYE turned 2 today. I have always wanted a lab but being a rescue dog mom, it near impossible to find a rescue lab. I finally bit the bullet, did my research on breeders all over the country and found Gina. I was impressed by Gina’s credentials and her breeding standards & ethics that i put in for a puppy. Circumstances being what they were at the time, I got 2. These 2 girls continue to amaze. They are so smart and have phenomenal temperaments. I have been approached multiple times by law enforcement agencies asking about Skye as she apparently has the perfect drive for a search & rescue dog and/or a detection dog. Sandy is the hunter. They absolutely love everybody & everything and are always ready for a new adventure. They are eager to please and just love curling up with us at the end of a fun dog day! Thank you Gina…your dogs are the epitome of everything Lab!
Nancy and Eric Michalak-Man, November 2, 2019
Camo (Lucy X Raider MH, Fall 2017)
This was a Review posted on our Bird Dog Labs LLC Facebook page on March 8, 2018. “Gina was amazing!!! We spoke with several breeders during our puppy search and she was so helpful with our many questions and concerns. Since we live far from her, she helped us choose our pup based on our family’s personality and the pup’s temperament and energy level. We got our Camo and couldn’t be happier! It was obvious he was well taken care of and her personality description of him was dead on! He’s the perfect fit for our family (so handsome and smart too) and I would definitely recommend Gina and Bird Dog Labs!”
Aileen Starkey Casalino
Mozzie (Maggie MH x FC GRHRCH Maestro MH QA2, 2018)
This is a Review that was shared on our Bird Dog Labs LLC Facebook page on January 2, 2019. “Gina was excellent to work with. She took the time to listen to what our family was looking for in a dog and perfectly matched our family with a sweet, adorable chocolate lab that is the perfect fit for us. Our chocolate lab from Bird Dog Labs, Mozzie, is now 1 year old and we absolutely adore him- he plays well with our older black lab and other dogs that visit, gets along great with kids, is laid back enough to snuggle with us in the evenings but has enough drive to play fetch and go hiking with us and is an amazing all around family dog. We get compliments all the time on what a sweet personality he has and how handsome he is. We would highly recommend Bird Dog to anyone looking for a breeder who cares about their dogs and produces high quality, well rounded labs. Thanks Bird Dog for our pup!”
Healther Liebe
Lily (Grace X 4xGMPR HRCH Rooster Smasher MH QAA, Fall 2013)
April 21, 2015 Hi Gina, I haven’t updated you on lily for awhile. She is doing great. Already 18 months old, seems like yesterday. She is 65 lbs, perfect size. She has been everything I could have asked for, a consummate professional in all her task whether it’s finding birds, chasing rabbits or retrieving. Her drive is crazy fun. She loves retrieving so much that sometimes it takes a bit to get her to settle down and focus. Although I’ve done some antler training with her my mission to find sheds this spring was stalled by a big injury I sustained. The girl is an amazing athlete and just plain so much fun. Well behaved with a perfect on/off switch. I have entered her in her first dock jumping competition for june. She has the skills now I just need to figure out how to get some more height out of her. She so talented I wish I had the time to get into search & rescue with her. As a volunteer fireman this enhances the appeal for me but at this point in my life I haven’t a clue how I’d find that extra time. If keeping her for breeding doesn’t work out I will Definitely be back for my next in about 5 years. That’s my plan anyway. Thanks again and hope everything is great there. Appears you are building quite a pedigree up in the arctic. Erik Kurth
9-12-2014 Lily’s behavior was excellent for her first hunt. She hates the doggy blind. Probably my fault I didn’t start her on that very early on. We didn’t get any geese, but a few teal. Her enthusiasm & desire is second to none. Overall she is a joy to have around & is doing fantastic as a whole. She seems to be a very unique special dog. She loves guns too. She’s very well rounded, an extremely strong swimmer, very teachable & intelligent. Crazy athletic. She equally at home in the field, at the campground or watching a movie. She has the perfect on/ off switch. At this point I couldn’t be happier with how this worked out. Erik Kurth
January 19, 2014 (16 weeks old)
“Hi Gina, I wanted to give you an update on Lily and I am willing and wanted to give you a nice reference post for your website if you would? Let me know and how to do it. Thanks.
Lily is doing very well, came totally as advertised. She is smart, (funny sidebar here.) I took her for first vet visit and I didn’t really brag her up or anything and about 3/4 of the way through the appointment he looks at me and says; look at that dog, she follows your every move with curiosity, looks you directly in the eye, and seems genuinely interested in you and what’s going on. There’s something different about her. I couldn’t help but smile.
She is very athletic (jumps like a kangaroo) a very natural and willing retriever. She is always using her nose, needs to trust herself with it yet though, but that will come. She is a near perfect citizen as a pet and family member. Perfect in the house and amazing with all kids not just her (brother & sister). Travels like a veteran, hesitant getting in vehicle. I am not sure why yet. I am sure it is just a caution phase. In a nearly tragic way I found out she loves water too, really cold water besides. Basic commands are nearly always adhered too. If she refuses, she probably was too distracted to start where I shouldn’t have even bothered with a command. Although the weather had been ridiculous, training has been going well. Not a fan of subzero weather but who is? Anyway we moved right past the short retrieves and the wings and right on to bumpers, dead & frozen pigeon, grouse & pheasant, as well as dead fowl trainers and antlers. Struggles with mouth being a little small for bigger items but tries like heck and finds a way. Real birds didn’t faze her although yesterday wanted to chew them a little. I just moved on to another item. Yesterday I set her up and fired the 22. from about 20 yards away, didn’t bother her. So today I used the 22. blank dummy launcher right next to her, never flinched eyes on the prize the whole time. Good start there. Then just for fun I thought I would try a multiple bird drill so I started with 2, no problem. I then moved on to 3 items. Went well other than a little “what one should I get”. I guess the only flaw so far is she can be a little sensitive. It might be a good thing she doesn’t need much correction because I am not sure will handle it, but I just quickly move on to next task she seems to forget all about it.
I am not sure I could be more pleased at this point. So in closing I would just like to say thank you for your honesty and straightforward no nonsense sales pitch and eased my hesitation about traveling hundreds of miles each way to buy the “passed over” last dog of the litter. A dog sight unseen besides.”
Erik Kurth
Kona (Grace X Berkley MH QAA, 2013) & Kimber (Ditto X Yogi MH, December 2023)
Hi Gina,
I just wanted to say thank you for delivering such an outstanding puppy! I was a little uneasy at first buying a dog sight unseen, but Kona arrived as advertised and the whole process was a pleasure. He has already met quite a few new people, as well as a few dogs, and he has handled it great. It’s obvious that you did a remarkable job raising these puppies. I’m confident that he will adapt to his new home very well (once we get through the first few sleepless nights).
Thanks again, Rick
(April 24, 2013) Kona is adjusting well to his new home, he has been doing great with all the new things. I haven’t left the house in a week without him, including him going to work with me every day. He’s a big hit everywhere we go, and everyone is amazed how well he handles himself with new situations. He’s growing by the day, and starting to respond well to basic obedience training. He also loves to retrieve, and always returns straight back to me. We just have to work on the puppy biting, he’s a nipper! As much as I love the puppy stage, I’m really looking forward to getting into some more advanced training as he gets older. Just wanted to give you an update. Rick
(June 11, 2013) Hi Gina, I just wanted to give you a long overdue update on Kona. He’s doing really well settling into his new home. He’s growing fast, at his 16 week vet visit yesterday, he was 35 pounds. He’s a handsome little dude, tall, lean, and very muscular. He is crazy about retrieving and loves the water. He discovered our neighbors pool today and followed their golden around swimming laps! Comes to work with me every day and loves riding in the golf cart. He has responded very well to basic obedience. House manners are not quite as good, but he gets better every day, haha. He’s full of energy, and seems to get into everything. All in all he’s an amazing little dog, and has been a great addition to our family. Feel free to check up on him if your ever curious.
(June 28, 2013) Kona had his first introduction to live birds the other day and didn’t hesitate one bit on the retrieve. My biggest problem is trying not to over do it with throwing things for him, because we have so much fun retrieving and its the easiest way to wear him out. I’ll definitely stay in touch and keep you updated periodically. As crazy as I must be, I’m already thinking about the next one down the road. I just take a deep breath and keep reminding myself about all that crazy puppy energy and that usually snaps me back to reality. Although a chocolate Rooster pup might change that thought process…..
(February 7, 2024) I just wanted to reach out and let you know Kimber has made a wonderful transition into our home and has settled in as well as anyone could’ve hoped. She had her 9 week vet visit today and everything went well. (February 23, 2024) Kimber continues to do extremely well with adapting to her surroundings and she has been an absolute pleasure. Almost seemingly too easy at times. She’s still tiny but what she lacks in size she makes up for in
confidence. (11 6, 2023) Just wanted to touch base and let you know how well Kimber is doing. She’s still a tiny dog but she’s really filled out. Her last weight check in Mid-September she was 53 pounds. She’s grown since then and is probably pushing 55-58 now. Frame size is still very small but she’s as solid as a rock. She’s super athletic and loves to run. We’re coming up on our pheasant season but I’m really taking my time with her and not pushing her much her first year. I’ve really focused on obedience, bonding, and socialization since we’ve had her. She is very well socialized and does great in social atmospheres. She’s a little much for Kona at times but for the most part they get along really well. She’s a really fun little dog and has quite a personality.
Rick Shetler
New Jersey
Rebel (Heidi X 4xGMPR HRCH Rooster Smasher MH QAA, 2013)
At only 8 months old Rebel became the youngest dog to ever certify in Advanced Area Search with the International Police Work Dog Association! Way to go Kate and Rebel we are so proud of you both!!!
Thank you Gina! I wouldn’t have ever had the blessing of Rebel had it not been for you. Gina gives the pups the best start possible and is a very honest breeder. Couldn’t be more pleased in my experience with working with Bird Dog Labs!!
Kate has kept me updated on Rebel’s progress in her search and rescue training! They are an amazing team and the following is the updates of their unbelievable track record so far! Very proud of both of them.
-(1 day after going to her new home) Rebel hasn’t messed in the kennel yet. She has also mastered the sit command and is starting to learn stay. She knows her name is Rebel. Yesterday we went to rescue training and she mastered all the small drills.
-(3 days after going to her new home) She’s an excellent little puppy. And I can’t thank you enough!! Well Rebel has mastered sit, stay and come. She can hold a stay for one minute and comes from 100 yards without the assistance of a lead. All the handlers are very impressed and so am I. I think you sold me a wonder dog. It’s very easy to see that she’s special.
-(May 30th – 15 weeks old) Rebel’s indication when she finds a subject is to bark and hold. That meaning when she makes her find, she will sit and bark until I reach the scene. Rebel has already mastered this task so I can officially say that my beloved pooch finds people. Pretty neat eh?
-(June 14, 2013- 4 months old) We did a three acre blind search and she completed it perfectly with bark and hold indication and all!
-She’s doing so great! We also started two victims each a mile apart and she continually nails it with indication and all! To think she’s only five months old!
-This really was one heck of a litter! Rebel and I are heading to IPWDA (International Police Work Dog Association) in November and she is expected to be the youngest canine to certify there. She’ll be close to eight months old, but she has such a huge drive and it’s very possible that she will achieve a pass on her test.
-Rebel and Kate were in a local newspaper due to their hard work and impressive track record. The article was printed when Rebel was 7 months old. Here is a link to the article:
Katelyn Croteau
In the last photo, Kate and Rebel (8 months old) with their Advanced Area Search certificate with the International Police Work Dog Association.
Birddog’s Tango JH SH MH QAA (Heidi X Rooster, 2013)
Updated! May 16, 2015 Tango took 1st in the Qualifying at the Minnesota Field Trial Association Inc. Spring 2015 trial. This earned him his Qualified All Age status! Tango has been training with Dynamic Retrievers and was handled by Tim Springer.
“This stunning boy is just amazing to us! Tango not only has the looks and perfect temperament, but he is also very talented with the drive and desire that’s needed in the hunt test/field trial circuit. He is a very quiet boy that loves everyone and everything he meets, but when it comes to working he’s extremely focused and ready to go. He has been in Field Trial training with Tim and Lauren Springer of Dynamic Retrievers since November of 2013 and is doing wonderful. We decided to have some fun with him this summer (2014) and put him in Hunt Tests. He went 4 for 4 in Juniors and 4 for 4 in Seniors when he titled in both by a year and a half. Tango received many compliments from every judge that was judging him saying how nice of a dog he is! He has run several derbies and has finished with a Reserve JAM and several JAM’s. Tango turned 2 on February 12, 2015 and will be running Qual’s working for his QA2 title and then on to Masters. He is a young boy that we have high hopes for .”
Georgia Johnsen (
Photo 3 below: Tango at 12 weeks. He is complete housebroke.
His sit and here commands are progressing very well.
He loves fetching bring it straight back to me and ready for more.
He loves chasing pheasant wings.
He still is not a fan of the leash. Oh well everything is play at this point.
Van Johnsen
Major (Heidi X 4xGMPR HRCH Rooster Smasher MH QAA, 2013), Ryder (Brook JH X Phoenix MH, 2018) and Nash ( Brook JH X Phoenix MH, 2021)
Hey Gina,
Things are going great! I couldn’t be more happy. He has such a cool personality, he is training great, has gone on a few road trips with me to Kentucky and east Arkansas (he rides in the front seat like a champ), rides with me on the deck on my zero turn mower, etc. Everyone that sees him tells me how good looking he is too. I’m actually in Minneapolis right now working and he is coming up work my girl friend tomorrow to stay the rest of the week. Everyone in my family really likes him as well. So yeah, I’m super pleased with him so far.
Brandon James from Arkansas
August 3, 2017 (Posted as a review on the Bird Dog Labs LLC Facebook page) Bird Dog Labs not only is a first class operation but they also breed first class dogs. I have had my dog Major for 4.5 years now and his health, intelligence, and character are absolutely unbelievable. I’m an avid waterfowler, outdoorsman, and family guy all in one and Major has exceeded my expectations in every category! I honestly can’t say enough about this breeder
and blood lines that they produce. Highly recommended. If anyone has any questions on my dog and my experience with Bird Dog Labs contact me anytime.
The following are pictures of Major’s first year hunting. He was less than one year old in all of the following pictures of him. The pictures of Ryder and Nash were either sent directly to me or used from Brandon’s FB page with his permission.
Austin and Drax (Grace X Berkley MH QAA, 2013)
Gina, You are one of the nicest people I never met! They are doing great, you did a great job socializing them. I have never received puppy’s so well mannered. Thank you, and I will send pictures.
The puppies are doing great. We took them to the vet last week. Austin is already over 20 lbs… They are happy and busy. They sit, come to “here”, and are close to house trained. 10 weeks today. Oh, they are chipped also. We start the Hillman dvd training gig at 22 weeks.
So we are 3 months old now and really starting to mature on our own. Drax (petro) is the taller one for now. Austin (bolbus) still has the bigger paws. We started the Hillman puppy training DVD yesterday, so back out in the field today.
Greg Buzzell April-June 2013
Hi Gina, The boys are doing great. It’s so funny how 2 pups from the same litter can differ so much, but it always keeps it fun. Mr Drax is the mousey one, but better retriever and more of a field trial looking dog. Mr Austin (aka fatman) is mister defiant, super quick learner but you’re gonna be on his time, and you swear he is 10lbs (really only 3) heavier cause he is short and stocky. We got in with one of the premier trainers on the west coast Luann Pleasant. She left for Montana to train for 2 months while it is warm here in CA, so the pups went this week. She was willing to train them a month earlier then we had planned but that fact she let us in to her kennel is super exiting for us dog nuts. Mike Lardy is a very good friend of hers to let you know the level she trains at… Anyhow both our boys are well loved, great looking and have very different albeit cite personalities. Will send ya training updates as well get them, but both sit steady, retrieve at @ 50yds, heal left side and swim well.. Thanks again for amazing dogs, and hopefully they continue to exceed our expectations.
Michael O’Brien July 2013
Photo below: Austin (left) and Drax (right). These boys are being trained together to be the hunting partners of two friends. Pretty cool!
Cooper (Grace X Berkley MH QAA, 2013)
April 2013 – Cooper is taking to puppy training well. He is house trained and crate trained. I have started him on games that are really training. He already knows commands : Sit, Come, Kennel, Fetch and “Get Busy” – He is a smart dog.
July 2013 – Again Thanks For Cooper. He is doing great. We Absolutely Adore him. He and I have an incredible bond. He loves Puppy training. I am going to start formal training this week. He comes, heals on lead and sits well. He is retrieving singles in Water and on Land. He is a water nut. He dives under water too. What a hoot.
BTW – we love our dog he is perfect.
-Alan Jones
Tinkerbell (Heidi X 4xGMPR HRCH Rooster Smasher MH QAA, 2013) & Cola (Deja x AFC Wizard, 2024)
We are very Thankful to you!! We love our Tinkerbell very much!!! She is sooooo much like our black lab that we lost last yr Easter Sunday!!! So happy we found you:))
Hi Gina,Tinker is doing great. She is fetching, retrieving, swimming and doing basic obedience commands well. We have just started leash training & that is going well. She has a great temperament & disposition….we couldn’t be happier!
Thanks again,
Kent and Heidi Adkins
Kent and Heidi contacted me early in 2023 about wanting a special black lab female. They were willing to wait and stuck with me during a time when some of my planned litters didn’t take. It was finally in September of 2024 they were able to bring home their new baby girl!

(Shared with us on September 14, 2024): OMG this baby girl can’t be loved anymore in our family!!! We love her sooooooo very much!!!!! So very thankful for her!!!
Ryder (Heidi X 4xGMPR HRCH Rooster Smasher MH QAA, 2013)
Update: APRIL 2014 Ryder earned her Junior Hunter title! She ran 4/4 to earn the title.
I love my new puppy and she loves the wing the bumper and for her to chase that baby duck in the first hour I got home makes me assume that her prey drive should help me overcome her weariness of loud noises. I was really happy to see her show that much interest in a new environment so fast. Thank you very much and I will keep you updated on her progress with pics and emails.
Thanks, Joe Bradley
Photo 1: Ryder tied for first place in pup class at the Tidewater Retriever Club – 4 months old!
Photo 2: Ryder out duck hunting. 10 months old.
Cooper (Grace X Berkley MH QAA, 2013)
Update: May 2014 Cooper earned his Junior Title
Hi Gina, Cooper is doing great! Very smart pup!
He is lots of fun. Dennis is concerned about training him correctly since he is so smart. He wants to train him correctly. Do you have any recommendations for hunting training?
Everybody just loves him, he is so sweet! Cooper loves the water and he is a retrieving fool! Have a great summer !
The Parkers
Scout (Heidi X 4xGMPR HRCH Rooster Smasher MH QAA, 2013)
Hello Gina, I’ve been meaning to email you. We decided to name miss burgundy, Scout, after the main girl character in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. It fits her really well because like the character she is very smart, curious, cautious, and also adventurous. She’s a great puppy for a lab. Scout will be a great dog too. She’s so sweet and she’s already my new best friend. She follows me everywhere except we do put her in a crate at night which she is used to now. Also, thank you for basically potty training her. When we got scout, she already knew to go in the grass and not inside. I think she’s had maybe 3 accidents inside, which is pretty good for a puppy. Scout is super laid back, but sometimes she gets a little feisty. She plays with our other dogs so she doesn’t get bored and chew things. Thank you for being a great breeder! Scout is a better puppy because of you. She is absolutely beautiful also. She is fine from the tornado she got in the storm shelter with me for a few minutes when we didn’t know what direction the tornado would go. She was the calmest dog about it haha. Here are some pictures of darling scout! She’s a wonderful addition to our family.
Thanks again, Ashlyn
November 2013: Hello Gina, I wanted to update you on Scout. She is going through hunting training at the moment. She is doing very well. Scout was a little intimidated by water, making her late to swim, but now she loves the water and is an excellent and aggressive swimmer. Scout is extremely athletic and intelligent. She is also very beautiful. She looks similar to her mother. Here are some pictures taken of Scout a couple of months ago. I don’t have any super recent ones. Her eyes stayed a green color which is cool. She is a tall and big dog. We love it and we love her. Thanks again!
-Ashlyn Rawls
Gunner (Grace X Stoney MH QAA, 2009)
Hello, a bit of history if you will. We had a puppy born and raised in AZ, big blocky head. When we saw the pictures of Gunner, we just knew we had to have a mate for Lobo. While we are not breeders, both dogs were fixed as puppies. The introduction was done in a neutral setting actually a dog care business where Lobo attended most days. Living in the city does not yield the opportunities to run and play as one would have in an open area but I would not have it any other way. Gunner is a lover dog, always affectionate, a protector of my wife and son and is ready to play catch at a moment’s notice. With proper training, Gunner would be a fantastic retriever if used for hunting. Gina is great to work with, I email her every so often to share pictures and thoughts. I am not sure if Gunner has become a desert dog in a sense that when it is windy and cool out he will be outside all day long. We flew Gunner in from Gina and it was done like clock work. We took him straight to the groomer for cleaning as he had a mess in his kennel (normal) and got to play with Lobo. When it was time to come home, Lobo welcomed him into the house, showed him around the yard/house and kennels. We did not have the terrible twos or threes, but have noticed that he is becoming a bit more outgoing and will protect my wife if there is a noise. Lobo does the same but since he is the old one, he figures he can let the young one run to the door, and if Lobo is needed then will step in. Lobo is a big dog, 125lb comes from a mom and dad that were over 130 each. Gunner is a tad smaller at 115. Gunner is build for swimming, his feet are webbed and and the way he runs you can see that if he had the chance he would be all over it.
I cannot say enough about Gina and Bird Dog Labs. Great people to work with, and great animals that are coming from her time and willingness to have the best.
Jeff Dickey
Phoenix AZ
Holli (Grace X Stoney MH QAA, 2009)
I own a black lab pup from the first litter that Gina’s dog, Grace, had. Holli is now almost 4 years and an exceptional family pet. She is smart, a quick learner, beautiful, and very devoted.
As a dog breeder, Gina is devoted to raising top quality pups through all the research of pedigree and the tests needed to provide health clearances. Gina also raises the pups in her home and will give each pup their individual attention needed.
If you choose to get a pup from Gina, you will find she is very easy to work with, honest and truly loves raising her labs.
Carol Glidden
Bemidji, MN
Trixy (Dizzy X FC GRHRCH Maestro MH QA2,2017 )
I am very thankful I was able to find Gina and add an adorable little lab to our growing family! I was thoroughly impressed with her operation and the way she does things. It was a joy talking to her and just from an hours conversation I learned a lot. She definitely knows what she is doing and cares about all her fur babies! Not many people are willing to help the way she is. Thanks Again Gina!
Alex Muzzillo
Bemidji, MN
Sunny (Heidi X HRCH Ezra MH, CGC ,2015 )
Birddog’s lab is a threat breeder!!! We couldn’t be happier with our puppy and will be going back for generations to come!! Thank you guys for your great work!
Chris and Val Hansen
Mercy (Maggie MH25 X FC GRHRCH Maestro MH QA2, 2018 )
Amazing breeder! Goes above and beyond and simply a pleasure to work with! Highly recommend!
Brandi Garrie, Texas
Other Reviews posted directly on our Bird Dog Labs LLC Facebook page.
“Gina has a fantastic breeding program…treats her dogs and pups with great care. She is an A+ retriever breeder.” Tom Neel of Harness Creek Retrievers
“Gina does an amazing job producing top quality, well socialized pups! Definitely a class act! ” Angela Lavender-Boughner of Rock Branch Retrievers
“Gina breeds phenomenal pedigreed dogs. She takes pride in the labs she produces and raises. Top notch Breeder.” Lisa Kellehan Foster of Higher Ground Retrievers